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时间: 2024-09-30 03:48:44


1. The new app is very useful for tracking your expenses and budgeting. (这款新应用非常有用,可以帮助你跟踪支出和做预算。)

2. Learning a new language is useful for expanding your career opportunities. (学习一门新语言有助于拓展你的职业机会。)

3. A multi-tool is very useful for camping because it has various functions in one compact tool. (多功能工具在露营中非常有用,因为它集成了多种功能于一个便携工具中。)

4. The internet is a useful tool for finding information quickly. (互联网是一个快速获取信息的有用工具。)

5. Keeping a journal can be useful for processing your thoughts and emotions. (写日记对处理你的思绪和情绪有帮助。)

6. The GPS on my phone is incredibly useful for navigating in unfamiliar places. (手机上的GPS在陌生地方导航非常有用。)

7. Having a first aid kit is useful for dealing with minor injuries and accidents. (携带急救包有助于处理轻微受伤和事故。)

8. The feedback from the focus group was very useful for improving the product design. (焦点小组的反馈对改进产品设计非常有用。)

9. Learning basic cooking skills is useful for preparing healthy and affordable meals at home. (学习基本烹饪技能有助于在家准备健康实惠的餐食。)

10. The map provided by the tourist information center was very useful for exploring the city. (旅游信息中心提供的地图对探索城市非常有用。)

11. Studying history is useful for understanding the present and making informed decisions for the future. (学习历史有助于理解现在,并为未来做出明智决策。)

12. The advice from experienced professionals was useful for guiding me through my career choices. (经验丰富的专业人士的建议对指导我的职业选择非常有用。)

13. Knowing how to perform CPR can be useful for saving someone's life in an emergency. (了解如何进行心肺复苏术对在紧急情况下挽救生命非常有用。)

14. The dictionary app on my phone is useful for quickly looking up unfamiliar words. (手机上的词典应用对快速查找生词非常有用。)

15. Organizing your workspace can be useful for increasing productivity and reducing stress. (整理你的工作空间有助于提高工作效率,减轻压力。)

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