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时间: 2024-09-29 21:55:24


1. I usually go for a run in the morning before work. (我通常在上班前早晨去跑步。)

2. She usually takes the bus to work, but today she decided to walk. (她通常乘公交车上班,但今天她决定步行。)

3. I usually prefer tea, but today I'll have a coffee. (我通常喜欢喝茶,但今天我要喝咖啡。)

4. He usually wears a suit to work, but today he's dressed more casually. (他通常穿西装上班,但今天他穿得更随意。)

5. We usually have dinner at 7 pm, but tonight we're eating out later. (我们通常在晚上7点吃晚饭,但今晚我们会晚些出去吃。)

6. I usually read a book before bed to relax. (我通常在睡前读书放松一下。)

7. They usually go on vacation in the summer, but this year they're going in the fall. (他们通常在夏天度假,但今年他们要在秋天去。)

8. This plant usually needs to be watered twice a week. (这种植物通常需要每周浇水两次。)

9. The shop usually closes at 9 pm, but tonight it's staying open later for a special event. (这家商店通常在晚上9点关门,但今晚因为有特殊活动所以要晚些关门。)

10. I usually take the stairs instead of the elevator for exercise. (我通常走楼梯而不是坐电梯来锻炼身体。)

11. She usually cooks dinner for her family, but tonight they're ordering takeout. (她通常为家人做晚餐,但今晚他们要订外卖。)

12. I usually watch the news in the evening to stay informed. (我通常在晚上看新闻以保持了解情况。)

13. They usually visit their grandparents on the weekends. (他们通常在周末去看望他们的祖父母。)

14. I usually wear glasses, but today I'm trying out contact lenses. (我通常戴眼镜,但今天我想试试隐形眼镜。)

15. The restaurant usually serves breakfast until 11 am. (这家餐厅通常在上午11点前提供早餐。)

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