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时间: 2024-09-29 17:47:06


1. It is recommended to vaccinate children against common childhood diseases to protect their health.(建议对儿童接种常见的儿童疾病疫苗,以保护他们的健康。)

2. The government is working to vaccinate as many people as possible to prevent the spread of the flu.(政府正在努力接种尽可能多的人,以防止流感的传播。)

3. It is important to vaccinate pets to ensure they are protected against various diseases.(接种宠物疫苗是非常重要的,以确保它们受到各种疾病的保护。)

4. The doctor will recommend when to vaccinate your baby against certain illnesses.(医生会建议何时为您的宝宝接种特定疾病的疫苗。)

5. Some people may have concerns about the safety of vaccines, but it is crucial to vaccinate to prevent outbreaks of disease.(一些人可能对疫苗的安全性感到担忧,但接种疫苗以预防疾病爆发是至关重要的。)

6. The clinic offers free vaccines to help vaccinate the local community against preventable diseases.(该诊所提供免费疫苗,帮助当地社区接种预防性疾病。)

7. Parents should follow the recommended schedule to vaccinate their children on time.(父母应该按照建议的时间表及时为他们的孩子接种疫苗。)

8. Healthcare workers are being prioritized to vaccinate against COVID-19 to protect themselves and their patients.(医护人员被优先接种COVID-19疫苗,以保护自己和患者。)

9. It is important to vaccinate travelers going to certain regions where specific diseases are prevalent.(对于前往某些地区的旅行者接种疫苗是非常重要的,因为那里特定疾病盛行。)

10. The government has launched a campaign to vaccinate the elderly population against the flu.(政府已经发起了一项活动,为老年人群接种流感疫苗。)

11. Vaccinating against measles has been highly effective in reducing the number of cases worldwide.(接种麻疹疫苗在全球范围内显著减少了病例数量。)

12. The doctor will explain the importance of vaccinating your child during your next appointment.(医生会在下次诊疗时解释为什么接种疫苗对您的孩子很重要。)

13. Public health officials are working tirelessly to vaccinate as many people as possible in the fight against infectious diseases.(公共卫生官员在抗击传染病的过程中不知疲倦地努力为尽可能多的人接种疫苗。)

14. Vaccinating against polio has been crucial in eradicating the disease in many parts of the world.(接种脊髓灰质炎疫苗在许多地区消灭该疾病起到了至关重要的作用。)

15. It is important to educate the public about the benefits of vaccinating to increase vaccination rates and protect the community.(重要的是要向公众普及接种疫苗的好处,以提高接种率并保护社区。)

上一个 【英语】utilization的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】vaccine的例句



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