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时间: 2024-09-29 17:45:10


1. The ticket is valid for one year from the date of purchase. (这张票有效期为购买日期起一年。)

2. Please make sure your passport is valid for at least six months before your trip. (请确保您的护照在出行前至少还有效六个月。)

3. The contract is not valid without the signature of both parties. (合同未经双方签字无效。)

4. The coupon is only valid for use at participating stores. (优惠券仅限参与的商店使用有效。)

5. The judge ruled that the evidence was not valid and should be excluded from the trial. (法官裁定证据无效,应从审判中排除。)

6. The student ID card is only valid with a current semester sticker. (学生证只有贴有当学期标签才有效。)

7. The warranty is only valid if the product is used according to the manufacturer's instructions. (保修仅在产品按照制造商的说明使用时有效。)

8. The credit card must be valid at the time of purchase. (信用卡在购买时必须有效。)

9. The survey results are not valid because of the small sample size. (由于样本量较小,调查结果无效。)

10. The doctor's prescription is only valid at authorized pharmacies. (医生的处方只在授权的药房有效。)

11. The company's policy on returns is clearly outlined in the valid receipt. (公司的退货政策在有效收据中清晰地列出。)

12. The coupon code is not valid if it has expired. (优惠码过期则无效。)

13. The certificate must be valid at the time of application. (证书在申请时必须有效。)

14. The software license is only valid for one user. (软件许可证仅适用于一个用户。)

15. The contract will be valid once both parties have signed and dated it. (合同在双方签署并注明日期后生效。)

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