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时间: 2024-09-29 19:48:17


1. The validity of the experiment's results was called into question due to a potential flaw in the methodology. (由于方法可能存在缺陷,实验结果的有效性受到质疑。)

2. The validity of her driver's license was confirmed by the authorities. (她的驾驶执照的有效性得到了官方确认。)

3. The validity of the contract will be determined by a legal review. (合同的有效性将由法律审查来决定。)

4. The validity of his argument was supported by strong evidence. (他的论点的有效性得到了有力的证据支持。)

5. Researchers must ensure the validity of their data before drawing any conclusions. (研究人员在得出任何结论之前必须确保数据的有效性。)

6. The validity of the warranty on the product expired last month. (该产品的保修有效期上个月已到期。)

7. The validity of her passport allowed her to travel internationally. (她的护照的有效性使她能够国际旅行。)

8. The validity of the coupon was verified by the cashier before it was accepted. (收银员在接受之前验证了优惠券的有效性。)

9. The validity of his excuse for being late was questioned by his boss. (他迟到的借口的有效性受到了老板的质疑。)

10. The validity of the scientific theory was debated among experts in the field. (科学理论的有效性在该领域的专家之间进行了辩论。)

11. The validity of her membership in the club was confirmed by the membership committee. (她在俱乐部的会员资格的有效性得到了会员委员会的确认。)

12. The validity of the survey results was crucial for making informed decisions. (调查结果的有效性对做出明智的决策至关重要。)

13. The validity of the coupon code was checked before the discount was applied. (折扣码的有效性在打折之前进行了检查。)

14. The validity of his claim to the inheritance was disputed by other family members. (他对继承权的有效性受到其他家庭成员的争议。)

15. The validity of the parking pass allowed him to park in the designated area. (停车证的有效性使他可以在指定区域停车。)

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