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时间: 2024-09-29 23:53:46


1. The value of the antique vase was estimated at $5000.(这个古董花瓶的价值被估计为5000美元。)

2. Honesty is a core value in this company.(诚实是这家公司的核心价值。)

3. The value of friendship cannot be underestimated.(友谊的价值是无法低估的。)

4. She always looks for value when shopping for clothes.(她购物时总是寻找物超所值的衣服。)

5. The book provides great value for students studying economics.(这本书对经济学学生来说具有很大的价值。)

6. The value of the dollar has been fluctuating in the international market.(美元的价值在国际市场上一直在波动。)

7. Integrity is a key value in building trust with others.(诚信是与他人建立信任的关键价值观。)

8. The company’s core values include innovation and customer satisfaction.(公司的核心价值包括创新和客户满意度。)

9. Some people prioritize family values over material wealth.(有些人将家庭价值观置于物质财富之上。)

10. The value of education is often overlooked in today’s society.(教育的价值在当今社会经常被忽视。)

11. The stock market is influenced by the perceived value of different companies.(股市受到不同公司被认为的价值的影响。)

12. The value of hard work is instilled in him from a young age.(他从小就树立了勤奋工作的价值观。)

13. The painting has both aesthetic and monetary value.(这幅画具有审美和金钱价值。)

14. The company’s success is built on the values of teamwork and collaboration.(公司的成功建立在团队合作的价值观基础上。)

15. We should always strive to uphold the values of equality and justice.(我们应该始终努力维护平等和正义的价值观。)

上一个 【英语】valley的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】values的例句



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