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时间: 2024-09-30 03:51:55


1. The valve on the water pipe was leaking, so we had to call a plumber to fix it.(水管上的阀门在漏水,所以我们不得不叫管道工来修理。)

2. Make sure to turn the valve to the off position before attempting to repair the appliance.(在修理电器之前,确保将阀门关闭。)

3. The doctor listened to my heart through a stethoscope and heard a problem with one of the valves.(医生用听诊器听了我的心脏,发现其中一个瓣膜有问题。)

4. It's important to regularly check and maintain the valves in your home's heating system to ensure efficiency and safety.(定期检查和维护家庭供暖系统中的阀门是非常重要的,以确保效率和安全。)

5. The valve controlling the flow of gas to the stove should be shut off when the appliance is not in use.(炉子上控制煤气流量的阀门在不使用时应关闭。)

6. The engineer adjusted the valve to regulate the pressure of the steam in the boiler.(工程师调节了阀门以调节锅炉中蒸汽的压力。)

7. The valve in the garden hose was stuck, so I had to replace it with a new one.(花园水管上的阀门卡住了,所以我不得不换了一个新的。)

8. The heart valve surgery was successful, and the patient is recovering well.(心脏瓣膜手术很成功,病人正在恢复得很好。)

9. The valve of the tire was leaking, so I had to inflate it again.(轮胎的阀门在漏气,所以我不得不重新打气。)

10. The valve on the radiator was old and rusty, so it needed to be replaced.(暖气片上的阀门又老又生锈,所以需要更换。)

11. The engineer explained the function of each valve in the hydraulic system.(工程师解释了液压系统中每个阀门的功能。)

12. The valve in the water pump was malfunctioning, causing a disruption in the water supply to the building.(水泵上的阀门出现故障,导致建筑物的供水中断。)

13. The valve manufacturer provided a warranty for their products.(阀门制造商对他们的产品提供了保修。)

14. The valve of the trumpet was stuck, so the musician couldn't play the instrument properly.(小号的阀门卡住了,所以音乐家无法正确演奏乐器。)

15. The plumber installed a new valve in the shower to control the water temperature more effectively.(管道工在淋浴器上安装了一个新的阀门,以更有效地控制水温。)

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