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时间: 2024-09-29 19:49:06


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with the word "vacancy" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. There is a vacancy in the accounting department for a senior analyst.

- 会计部门有一个高级分析师的空缺。

2. She applied for the vacancy as soon as it was advertised.

- 她一听说空缺广告发布就立即申请了。

3. The hotel had no vacancies left for the weekend.

- 这家酒店周末没有空房了。

4. The vacancy rate in downtown apartments has risen sharply.

- 市中心公寓的空置率大幅上升。

5. He was hired to fill the vacancy left by the retiring manager.

- 他被聘用来填补那位退休经理留下的空缺。

6. We regret to inform you that the position has been filled and there is no longer a vacancy.

- 很抱歉告知您,该职位已经被填补,不再有空缺。

7. The company announced a vacancy for a software developer with five years of experience.

- 公司宣布招聘一名有五年经验的软件开发人员。

8. The vacancy attracted applications from all over the country.

- 这个空缺吸引了全国各地的申请者。

9. She left a vacancy in the team when she resigned.

- 她辞职后,团队中留下了一个空缺。

10. The vacancy will be filled by internal promotion.

- 这个职位将由内部晋升填补。

11. There is a vacancy on the board of directors following the recent resignation.

- 最近有一位董事辞职,董事会现有一个空缺。

12. The sudden vacancy in the leadership left the team in disarray.

- 领导层突然的空缺使得团队陷入混乱。

13. He eagerly applied for the vacancy as soon as he heard about it.

- 他一听说这个空缺就急切地申请了。

14. The hotel had a last-minute vacancy due to a cancellation.

- 因为取消预订,酒店临时空出了一个房间。

15. The company is actively seeking to fill the vacancy left by the retiring CEO.

- 公司正在积极寻找填补即将退休的CEO留下的空缺的人选。

上一个 【英语】redundancy的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】buoyancy的例句



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