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时间: 2024-09-29 21:55:19


“Elegancy” 是“elegance”的变体,通常使用较少。以下是“elegancy”的15个例句及其中文解释:

1. Her dress was noted for its elegancy, making her the center of attention at the party.

- 她的裙子以优雅著称,让她成为了派对的焦点。

2. The room was decorated with such elegancy that it felt like stepping into a royal palace.

- 这个房间的装饰非常优雅,让人感觉像是进入了皇宫。

3. He spoke with a certain elegancy that captivated everyone in the room.

- 他说话时带有一种优雅,吸引了房间里的每一个人。

4. The sculpture's elegancy was admired by all who visited the gallery.

- 这个雕塑的优雅被所有参观画廊的人赞赏。

5. Her writing style has an inherent elegancy that makes her novels enjoyable to read.

- 她的写作风格本身具有一种优雅,使她的小说读起来令人愉快。

6. The architect’s design exhibited a rare elegancy that blended modernity with classic charm.

- 这位建筑师的设计展现了罕见的优雅,将现代性与经典魅力融合在一起。

7. The vintage car was restored to its original elegancy, attracting admiration from classic car enthusiasts.

- 这辆古董车被恢复到原来的优雅状态,吸引了古董车爱好者的赞赏。

8. Her movements on the dance floor displayed an incredible elegancy and grace.

- 她在舞池中的动作展现了令人难以置信的优雅和魅力。

9. The restaurant’s ambiance was created with an attentiveness to elegancy that made dining there a special experience.

- 这家餐厅的氛围注重优雅,使在那里用餐成为一种特别的体验。

10. The furniture in the room was arranged with such elegancy that it enhanced the overall aesthetic.

- 房间里的家具摆放得非常优雅,提升了整体美感。

11. His speech had a certain elegancy that made even the most mundane topics seem profound.

- 他的演讲有一种优雅,使即使是最平凡的话题也显得深刻。

12. The movie’s cinematography captured the elegancy of the setting perfectly.

- 电影的摄影完美地捕捉了场景的优雅。

13. The gala event was organized with an attention to elegancy, from the décor to the cuisine.

- 晚会的组织注重了优雅,从装饰到菜肴无一不体现。

14. The elegant design of the garden reflected the owner’s personal sense of elegancy.

- 花园的优雅设计反映了主人个人的优雅品味。

15. Her approach to problem-solving was marked by a certain elegancy, balancing efficiency with subtlety.

- 她解决问题的方法具有某种优雅,平衡了效率与微妙。


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