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时间: 2024-09-30 01:52:47


当然,请看以下关于 "subterraneous" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. The ancient city had a network of subterraneous tunnels used for transporting goods covertly. (古城拥有一系列地下隧道,用于秘密运输货物。)

2. Bats often roost in subterraneous caves during the daytime. (蝙蝠通常在白天栖息在地下洞穴中。)

3. The researchers discovered a subterraneous river flowing beneath the desert sands. (研究人员发现了一条流经沙漠沙丘下方的地下河。)

4. The castle's dungeon was a subterraneous chamber where prisoners were kept. (城堡的地牢是一个地下室,用于关押囚犯。)

5. The miners descended into the subterraneous depths of the earth to extract precious minerals. (矿工们下到地底的深处开采珍贵的矿物。)

6. Some species of blind fish live in subterraneous pools deep within limestone caves. (一些盲鱼物种生活在深入石灰岩洞穴内部的地下水池中。)

7. The ancient catacombs are an extensive subterraneous burial site beneath the city. (古代墓穴是城市下方广阔的地下埋葬地。)

8. Archaeologists uncovered subterraneous chambers filled with artifacts from the Bronze Age. (考古学家发掘出充满青铜时代文物的地下室。)

9. The hidden temple was accessed through a series of subterraneous passages. (隐藏的神庙通过一系列地下通道进入。)

10. The bunker provided subterraneous protection during the air raids of World War II. (地堡在二战空袭期间提供了地下保护。)

11. The root cellar was a subterraneous storage space for preserving fruits and vegetables. (地下室是用于保存水果和蔬菜的地下储藏空间。)

12. The dragon's lair was said to be a subterraneous cavern deep in the heart of the mountain. (据说龙的巢穴是山腹深处的一个地下洞穴。)

13. The subway system includes extensive subterraneous tunnels connecting the city's neighborhoods. (地铁系统包括广阔的地下隧道,连接城市的各个社区。)

14. The complex network of subterraneous roots provided stability to the ancient tree. (复杂的地下根系网络为古老的树木提供了稳定性。)

15. The ants constructed an elaborate subterraneous colony beneath the forest floor. (蚂蚁在森林地面下建造了一个复杂的地下聚居地。)

希望以上例句能帮助到您理解 "subterraneous" 这个词的用法和意义!

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