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时间: 2024-09-20 11:39:39


1. 店主正在忙着安排货架上的商品。

The shop owner is busy arranging the items on the shelves.

2. 店主对客人微笑着迎接他们。

The shop owner greeted the customers with a smile.

3. 这家店的店主非常热情,总是乐意帮助顾客。

The shop owner of this store is very friendly and always willing to help customers.

4. 店主在收银台后面忙碌着。

The shop owner is busy behind the cash register.

5. 店主经营着一家小型家庭式咖啡馆。

The shop owner runs a small family-owned coffee shop.

6. 店主花了很多时间精心挑选商品。

The shop owner spent a lot of time carefully selecting the merchandise.

7. 店主对商品的质量要求很高。

The shop owner has high standards for the quality of the merchandise.

8. 店主正在和供应商讨价还价。

The shop owner is negotiating with the suppliers.

9. 店主亲自为客人提供优质的服务。

The shop owner personally provides excellent service to the customers.

10. 店主正在为新员工进行培训。

The shop owner is training the new staff.

11. 店主的热情和专业让顾客感到满意。

The shop owner's enthusiasm and professionalism make the customers satisfied.

12. 店主对于店铺的管理非常有条不紊。

The shop owner is very organized in managing the store.

13. 店主在店铺里安排了一些特别的促销活动。

The shop owner has arranged some special promotions in the store.

14. 店主正在查看库存并做出进货计划。

The shop owner is checking the inventory and making a plan for restocking.

15. 店主对于每一位顾客都非常关心。

The shop owner cares about every customer.

16. 店主正在和员工商讨新的营销策略。

The shop owner is discussing new marketing strategies with the staff.

17. 店主为了满足顾客的需求,不断调整商品种类。

The shop owner constantly adjusts the variety of merchandise to meet customer demands.

18. 店主希望店铺能成为社区的一个聚集地。

The shop owner hopes the store can become a gathering place for the community.

19. 店主为了提高店内的环境质量,进行了一些装修。

The shop owner did some renovations to improve the quality of the store environment.

20. 店主的努力让店铺成为了当地的知名品牌。

The shop owner's efforts have made the store a well-known brand in the local area.

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