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时间: 2024-09-20 08:31:59


1. 他们在早期就决定结婚。

They decided to get married in the early stages.

2. 这项技术在早期并不被人们所重视。

This technology wasn't valued in the early days.

3. 早期的教育对孩子的成长非常重要。

Early childhood education is crucial for a child's development.

4. 在公司的早期阶段,他们经历了许多困难。

They faced many challenges in the early stages of the company.

5. 这个城市在早期是一个小渔村。

The city was a small fishing village in its early days.

6. 他在早期就展现出了音乐天赋。

He showed musical talent at an early age.

7. 这些早期作品是他的艺术风格的起源。

These early works are the origins of his artistic style.

8. 早期的探险家们面临着巨大的困难。

Early explorers faced great challenges.

9. 在早期,这种药物被用来治疗其他疾病。

In the early days, this drug was used to treat other illnesses.

10. 早期的辛勤工作为他们带来了成功。

Early hard work brought them success.

11. 早期的农民依靠天气种植庄稼。

Early farmers depended on the weather to grow crops.

12. 这个概念在早期并不被人们所理解。

This concept wasn't understood in the early days.

13. 早期的医学知识非常有限。

Medical knowledge was very limited in the early days.

14. 这个公司在早期面临了破产的危险。

The company faced the risk of bankruptcy in its early stages.

15. 早期的电脑很大且笨重。

Early computers were large and bulky.

16. 他在早期就显示出了对科学的浓厚兴趣。

He showed a strong interest in science at an early age.

17. 这种观点在早期并不被广泛接受。

This viewpoint wasn't widely accepted in the early days.

18. 早期的发明对现代科技产生了深远的影响。

Early inventions had a profound impact on modern technology.

19. 早期的艺术品展现了当时的社会生活。

Early artworks depicted the social life of the time.

20. 他们在早期就开始筹划这次活动。

They started planning the event in the early stages.

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