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时间: 2024-09-20 05:19:40


1. 这个国家的统治者对人民实施了暴虐的统治。

The rulers of this country subjected the people to a reign of terror.

2. 在战争中,暴虐的行为成为了常态。

At war, acts of brutality became the norm.

3. 他的暴虐行为让所有人感到震惊。

His brutal behavior shocked everyone.

4. 这个独裁者对待政敌非常暴虐。

The dictator was extremely brutal towards his political opponents.

5. 那个囚犯遭受了暴虐的折磨。

The prisoner suffered brutal torture.

6. 暴虐的统治者最终被推翻了。

The brutal ruler was eventually overthrown.

7. 这个城市遭受了暴虐的入侵。

The city suffered a brutal invasion.

8. 他的暴虐行为引起了全国的愤怒。

His brutal behavior sparked nationwide anger.

9. 暴虐的行为在国际社会中引起了强烈的谴责。

The brutal behavior drew strong condemnation from the international community.

10. 这个组织被指控对平民实施了暴虐的袭击。

The organization was accused of carrying out brutal attacks on civilians.

11. 她的暴虐行为让她失去了所有的朋友。

Her brutal behavior cost her all her friends.

12. 这个国家的暴虐统治已经持续了太久。

The country's brutal regime has gone on for too long.

13. 他的暴虐行为让他成为了众人唾弃的对象。

His brutal behavior made him the object of everyone's scorn.

14. 这个战争带来了无数的暴虐行为。

The war brought countless acts of brutality.

15. 暴虐的行为在人们的心中留下了深深的痛苦。

The brutal behavior left deep scars in people's hearts.

16. 这个国家的百姓遭受了暴虐的压迫。

The country's people suffered brutal oppression.

17. 对待动物的暴虐行为应该受到严厉的制裁。

Brutal treatment of animals should be severely punished.

18. 这部电影展现了战争期间的暴虐景象。

The movie depicted scenes of brutality during the war.

19. 暴虐行为在任何时候都是不可接受的。

Brutal behavior is never acceptable under any circumstances.

20. 那个独裁者的统治充满了暴虐和恐怖。

The dictator's rule was characterized by brutality and terror.

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