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时间: 2024-09-20 05:03:42


1. 他们在比肩的位置上竞争。

They compete at the same level.

2. 他们是一对比肩的好朋友。

They are good friends who stand shoulder to shoulder.

3. 他们的成就可以与历史上的任何一位伟人相比肩。

Their achievements can stand shoulder to shoulder with any great figure in history.

4. 在这个行业里,他们的公司和一些大公司可以比肩。

In this industry, their company can stand shoulder to shoulder with some big players.

5. 他们的实力能够与顶尖团队相比肩。

Their strength can be compared to the top teams.

6. 他们的团队一直在努力,终于能够与行业巨头比肩了。

Their team has been working hard and is finally able to compete with industry giants.

7. 这部电影可以与任何一部好莱坞大片相比肩。

This movie can stand shoulder to shoulder with any Hollywood blockbuster.

8. 在比赛中,他们的队伍一直与对手比肩。

In the competition, their team has been neck and neck with the opponents.

9. 这两个选手一直在比肩,不分伯仲。

These two players have been neck and neck, with no clear winner.

10. 在这个领域,他们的研究成果可以与国际顶尖的学者相比肩。

In this field, their research can stand shoulder to shoulder with top international scholars.

11. 他们的产品质量和服务水平可以与国际品牌比肩。

Their product quality and service level can compete with international brands.

12. 这两个队伍一直在比肩,没有人能够确定胜负。

These two teams have been neck and neck, with no one able to determine the winner.

13. 在商业竞争中,他们的公司一直与对手比肩。

In the business competition, their company has been neck and neck with the competitors.

14. 这两个运动员一直在比肩,没有明显的优势。

These two athletes have been neck and neck, with no clear advantage.

15. 在这个市场上,他们的产品一直与竞争对手比肩。

In this market, their products have been neck and neck with the competitors.

16. 这两个学生一直在比肩,成绩不相上下。

These two students have been neck and neck, with similar grades.

17. 在科技创新领域,他们的公司一直与行业领先者比肩。

In the field of technological innovation, their company has been neck and neck with industry leaders.

18. 这两支球队一直在比肩,没有一个明显的赢家。

These two teams have been neck and neck, with no clear winner.

19. 他们的公司一直在与国际企业比肩,努力保持领先地位。

Their company has been competing with international enterprises, striving to maintain a leading position.

20. 这两个国家一直在比肩,争夺全球经济领导权。

These two countries have been neck and neck, competing for global economic leadership.

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