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时间: 2024-09-20 05:00:26


1. 他是一位勤劳的牧童,每天都要带着羊群在山间放牧。

He is a hardworking shepherd, who takes the sheep to graze in the mountains every day.

2. 在夕阳下,牧童吹着笛子,唱着歌,羊群在他的身边悠闲地吃着草。

In the setting sun, the shepherd plays the flute and sings, while the sheep leisurely graze around him.

3. 这个小村庄的牧童们总是在山间奔跑,他们的生活充满了快乐和活力。

The shepherds in this small village always run around in the mountains, their lives filled with joy and vitality.

4. 牧童们在草地上玩耍,他们的笑声回荡在山谷中。

The shepherds play on the grassland, their laughter echoing in the valley.

5. 牧童们在清晨就开始了忙碌的一天,他们要照顾羊群,还要帮助家人料理家务。

The shepherds start a busy day early in the morning, taking care of the sheep and helping their families with household chores.

6. 那个牧童对他的羊群非常细心,总是确保它们有足够的食物和水喝。

The shepherd is very attentive to his flock, always making sure they have enough food and water.

7. 牧童们在山间放牧,享受着清新的空气和宁静的环境。

The shepherds graze in the mountains, enjoying the fresh air and peaceful surroundings.

8. 那位牧童用他的羊皮鼓给羊群带来了欢乐的音乐。

The shepherd brought joyous music to the flock with his sheepskin drum.

9. 牧童们在夏天的清晨带着羊群上山,享受着清凉的微风和美丽的风景。

The shepherds take the sheep up the mountain on a summer morning, enjoying the cool breeze and beautiful scenery.

10. 牧童们在日落时分赶着羊群回家,他们的身影在夕阳下显得格外美丽。

The shepherds drive the sheep home at sunset, their figures looking particularly beautiful in the setting sun.

11. The young shepherd boy led the sheep to the meadow for grazing.


12. The shepherd boy played a tune on his flute as he watched over the grazing sheep.


13. The little shepherd girl made sure each sheep had enough to eat and drink.


14. The shepherds spent their days in the open fields, tending to their flocks.


15. The shepherd boy whistled a merry tune as he led the sheep back to the barn.


16. The shepherds guided their flocks through the rugged terrain of the mountains.


17. The young shepherdess knitted a sweater as she watched over the grazing sheep.


18. The shepherd boy carried a staff to guide the sheep along the path.


19. The shepherds knew each of their sheep by name and took great care of them.


20. The shepherdess sang a lullaby to the lambs as they nestled against her.


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