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时间: 2024-09-20 05:18:10


1. 街上的行人络绎不绝。

Pedestrians are constantly coming and going on the street.

2. 我喜欢在街上漫步,欣赏周围的景色。

I enjoy taking a stroll on the street and admiring the surroundings.

3. 那个音乐家在街上演奏了一首动人的曲子。

The musician played a moving tune on the street.

4. 街上的店铺都挂起了节日的彩灯。

The shops on the street are all decorated with festive lights.

5. 我在街上迷路了,不知道该怎么回家。

I got lost on the street and don't know how to get back home.

6. 街上的嘈杂声让人感到疲惫。

The hustle and bustle on the street is exhausting.

7. 他在街上遇到了一个乞丐,决定给他一些钱。

He encountered a beggar on the street and decided to give him some money.

8. 街上的交通拥堵,导致了长时间的延误。

Traffic congestion on the street led to long delays.

9. 我在街上碰到了一个老朋友,我们聊了很久。

I ran into an old friend on the street and we chatted for a long time.

10. 街上的咖啡香气扑鼻而来,让人觉得非常舒适。

The aroma of coffee on the street is very comforting.

11. 那个街上的艺术家在墙上创作了一幅壮丽的壁画。

The street artist created a magnificent mural on the wall.

12. 街上的垃圾遍地都是,需要加强清洁工作。

There is trash all over the street, and the cleaning efforts need to be strengthened.

13. 我在街上发现了一个很有趣的小摊,卖着各种手工艺品。

I found a very interesting stall on the street selling various handicrafts.

14. 街上的建筑风格多样,让人感受到了城市的多元文化。

The diverse architectural styles on the street give a sense of the city's multiculturalism.

15. 街上的餐厅都供应当地特色美食,吸引了许多游客。

The restaurants on the street serve local delicacies, attracting many tourists.

16. 我在街上看到了一场精彩的街头表演。

I saw a fantastic street performance on the street.

17. 街上的商店都在打折促销,吸引了很多购物者。

The shops on the street are all having sales, attracting many shoppers.

18. 街上的建筑都很古老,散发着浓厚的历史气息。

The buildings on the street are all very old, exuding a strong sense of history.

19. 那个小巷通向了一条繁华的大街。

The alley leads to a bustling street.

20. 街上的灯光在夜晚显得格外迷人。

The street lights are particularly charming at night.

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