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时间: 2024-09-20 01:10:15


1. 我站在高台上,俯瞰着整个城市。

I stood on the high platform, overlooking the entire city.

2. 高台上的风景非常壮观。

The view from the high platform is very spectacular.

3. 我们在高台上举行了婚礼仪式。

We held the wedding ceremony on the high platform.

4. 高台上的建筑物可以避免洪水的侵袭。

The buildings on the high platform can avoid the invasion of floods.

5. 他们在高台上建立了一座庙宇。

They built a temple on the high platform.

6. 这个城市有很多高台,可以看到美丽的景色。

This city has many high platforms where you can see beautiful scenery.

7. 高台上的建筑物给人一种雄伟的感觉。

The buildings on the high platform give a sense of grandeur.

8. 在高台上呼吸新鲜空气感觉很好。

It feels great to breathe fresh air on the high platform.

9. 高台上的花园布置得非常漂亮。

The garden on the high platform is beautifully arranged.

10. 我们在高台上搭建了一个观景台。

We built an observation deck on the high platform.

11. 高台是这座城市的标志性建筑。

The high platform is the iconic building of this city.

12. 他们在高台上举行了一场音乐会。

They held a concert on the high platform.

13. 高台上的风景吸引了许多游客。

The scenery on the high platform attracts many tourists.

14. 我们在高台上发现了一座古老的废墟。

We discovered an ancient ruin on the high platform.

15. 高台上的建筑物在夜晚格外美丽。

The buildings on the high platform are especially beautiful at night.

16. 他们在高台上搭建了一座观光塔。

They built a sightseeing tower on the high platform.

17. 我们在高台上欣赏了日出和日落。

We enjoyed the sunrise and sunset on the high platform.

18. 高台上的风景让人心旷神怡。

The scenery on the high platform is refreshing.

19. 他们在高台上栽种了许多美丽的花朵。

They planted many beautiful flowers on the high platform.

20. 高台上的建筑物可以遥控整个城市的情况。

The buildings on the high platform can control the situation of the entire city remotely.

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