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时间: 2024-09-28 22:58:55


Sure, here are 15 sentences using "Athenian" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The Athenian philosopher Socrates is famous for his contributions to ethics and epistemology. (雅典的哲学家苏格拉底以其对伦理学和认识论的贡献而闻名。)

2. In ancient Greece, Athenian democracy was a pioneering form of governance. (在古希腊,雅典的民主是一种开创性的治理形式。)

3. An Athenian citizen had the right to participate in the city-state's political life. (雅典公民有参与城邦政治生活的权利。)

4. The playwright Euripides was an Athenian known for his innovative tragedies. (剧作家欧里庇得斯是一位以创新的悲剧而闻名的雅典人。)

5. Athenian culture during the Classical period produced many enduring works of art and literature. (古典时期的雅典文化创造了许多经久不衰的艺术和文学作品。)

6. Pericles was a prominent Athenian statesman who championed democracy and led Athens during its golden age. (伯利克利斯是一位杰出的雅典政治家,他倡导民主,并在雅典的黄金时代领导过这座城市。)

7. The Athenian navy played a crucial role in the defense of the city-state. (雅典海军在保卫城邦方面发挥了至关重要的作用。)

8. Athens' Acropolis is a symbol of Athenian power and artistic achievement. (雅典的卫城是雅典权力和艺术成就的象征。)

9. As an Athenian, he was proud of his city's cultural heritage. (作为一个雅典人,他为自己城市的文化遗产感到自豪。)

10. The Athenian assembly was responsible for making important decisions regarding war and peace. (雅典的民众大会负责作出关于战争和和平的重要决策。)

11. Athenian architecture influenced the development of Western architectural styles. (雅典建筑影响了西方建筑风格的发展。)

12. Thucydides, an Athenian historian, wrote a detailed account of the Peloponnesian War. (修昔底德,一位雅典历史学家,写了一部详细记述伯罗奔尼撒战争的作品。)

13. Athenian festivals were occasions for religious worship, celebration, and artistic expression. (雅典的节庆是宗教崇拜、庆祝和艺术表达的场合。)

14. The Athenian marketplace, or agora, was a center of commercial and social activity. (雅典的市场,即阿戈拉,是商业和社会活动的中心。)

15. As an Athenian playwright, Sophocles explored profound themes of fate and human nature. (作为一名雅典剧作家,索福克勒斯探索了命运和人性的深刻主题。)


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