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时间: 2024-09-20 07:16:41



1. The lawyer adduced new evidence that proved the defendant's innocence. (律师提出了新证据,证明了被告的清白。)

2. She adduced several reasons to support her argument. (她列举了几个理由支持她的论点。)

3. The historian adduced historical documents to illustrate her point. (历史学家引用历史文献来阐明她的观点。)

4. The scientist adduced experimental data to support his hypothesis. (科学家引用实验数据来支持他的假设。)

5. He adduced examples from various cultures to show the universality of the phenomenon. (他引用了来自各种文化的例子来展示这一现象的普遍性。)

6. The witness adduced compelling testimony that swayed the jury. (证人提供了令人信服的证词,动摇了陪审团的立场。)

7. She adduced a quotation from Shakespeare to emphasize her point. (她引用了莎士比亚的一句话来强调她的观点。)

8. The article adduced statistics showing a decline in crime rates. (该文章引用了统计数据显示犯罪率下降。)

9. The debater adduced counterexamples to refute his opponent's argument. (辩论者举出了反例来驳斥对手的论点。)

10. He adduced expert opinions to validate his research findings. (他引用专家意见来验证他的研究发现。)

11. The journalist adduced interviews with eyewitnesses as evidence. (记者引用了目击者的采访作为证据。)

12. The teacher adduced historical events to contextualize the current political situation. (老师引用历史事件来解释当前的政治局势。)

13. The speaker adduced economic data to argue for the benefits of globalization. (发言人引用经济数据来支持全球化的好处。)

14. They adduced legal precedents to support their case in court. (他们引用法律先例来支持他们在法庭上的案件。)

15. The researcher adduced case studies to illustrate the practical applications of the theory. (研究人员引用案例研究来说明该理论的实际应用。)


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