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时间: 2024-10-05 20:41:08


Certainly! "Adumbrate" means to outline or sketch something in a vague way. Here are 15 sentences using "adumbrate" along with Chinese explanations:

1. The early results of the study adumbrate a possible link between diet and longevity. (这项研究的初步结果描绘了饮食与长寿之间可能的联系。)

2. The artist adumbrated the scene before filling in the details. (艺术家在填写细节之前,先草拟了场景。)

3. The policy document adumbrates the government's plans for economic reform. (这份政策文件概述了政府的经济改革计划。)

4. The novel adumbrates the struggles of immigrants in a new country. (这部小说勾勒了移民在新国家中的挣扎。)

5. His speech adumbrated the main themes of the conference. (他的讲话概述了会议的主要主题。)

6. The early sketches adumbrated the final design of the building. (早期的草图描绘了建筑的最终设计。)

7. The professor adumbrated the key points of the theory before diving into specifics. (教授在深入具体内容之前先概述了理论的要点。)

8. The CEO adumbrated the company's strategy for expansion in the global market. (首席执行官概述了公司在全球市场扩展的战略。)

9. The play adumbrates the complex relationships within a dysfunctional family. (这部戏剧描绘了一个功能失调家庭内部的复杂关系。)

10. The report adumbrates the challenges faced by small businesses in rural areas. (报告概述了农村地区小企业面临的挑战。)

11. Her paintings adumbrate the beauty of nature in simple, yet profound ways. (她的画作以简单而深刻的方式描绘了自然的美丽。)

12. The new law adumbrates the rights and responsibilities of citizens during protests. (新法律概述了公民在抗议活动中的权利和责任。)

13. The teacher adumbrated the steps required to solve the mathematical problem. (老师概述了解决数学问题所需的步骤。)

14. The article adumbrates the historical context in which the events unfolded. (文章概述了事件发生时的历史背景。)

15. The architect adumbrated the vision for the city's skyline in his initial sketches. (建筑师在最初的草图中描绘了城市天际线的愿景。)

These examples illustrate how "adumbrate" is used to outline or sketch something in various contexts.

上一个 【英语】administrate的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】admonish的例句



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