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时间: 2024-09-28 23:03:10


Certainly! "Ambrosia" refers to something extremely pleasing to taste or smell, especially a delicious dessert made of oranges and shredded coconut. Here are 15 example sentences with their Chinese translations:

1. The rich chocolate cake was pure ambrosia to the guests at the party. (浓巧克力蛋糕对于宾客们来说简直是一种天堂美味。)

2. After the long hike, the cold lemonade was ambrosia to our parched throats. (长途徒步后,冰凉柠檬水是我们干渴喉咙的甘露。)

3. She offered him a piece of ambrosia, a treat she had spent all afternoon preparing. (她递给他一块甜点,这是她整个下午准备的招待。)

4. The scent of fresh bread baking in the oven was like ambrosia in the kitchen. (烤箱中新鲜面包的香气在厨房里弥漫,犹如一种甜美的氛围。)

5. As he sipped the vintage wine, he declared it to be the ambrosia of gods. (他一口口品尝这款陈年美酒,宣称这是神明的美酒。)

6. The first bite of the creamy tiramisu was sheer ambrosia on her palate. (第一口奶油提拉米苏在她的味蕾上仿佛是一种甘露。)

7. In the sweltering heat, the cool watermelon was ambrosia itself. (在酷热的天气中,清凉的西瓜简直就是一种天堂的享受。)

8. The poet described her laughter as ambrosia that nourished his soul. (诗人将她的笑声比作灌溉他灵魂的甘露。)

9. After a week of fasting, the simple bowl of soup tasted like ambrosia to him. (经过一周的禁食,对他来说一碗简单的汤就像是一种美味的享受。)

10. The scent of jasmine in the garden was like ambrosia in the evening air. (花园中茉莉花的香味在夜晚空气中就像一种甘露。)

11. To her, the music of Mozart was pure ambrosia for the soul. (对她来说,莫扎特的音乐简直是灵魂的一种美味。)

12. The artist described the sunset over the ocean as the ambrosia of colors. (艺术家将海上的日落描述为色彩的美酒。)

13. The smell of freshly baked cookies was ambrosia drifting through the house. (新鲜烤出的饼干的香气弥漫在房间里,像是一种美妙的享受。)

14. To him, her smile was ambrosia that brightened even the darkest days. (对他来说,她的微笑简直是一种能照亮最黑暗日子的美味。)

15. As the snow fell gently outside, the warmth of the fireplace and hot cocoa was ambrosia inside. (当外面雪花飘落时,壁炉旁和热可可的温暖则是内心的一种美味。)


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