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时间: 2024-10-06 17:50:19


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "anesthesia" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The dentist administered local anesthesia before filling the cavity. (牙医在填补蛀牙之前给予局部麻醉。)

2. General anesthesia is necessary for major surgery to ensure the patient feels no pain. (重大手术需要全身麻醉,以确保病人不感到疼痛。)

3. The patient was under anesthesia for over three hours during the complex procedure. (在复杂手术过程中,病人一直处于麻醉状态超过三个小时。)

4. Regional anesthesia is commonly used for procedures involving only one part of the body. (区域麻醉常用于只涉及身体一部分的手术。)

5. The anesthesiologist carefully monitored the patient's vital signs throughout the surgery. (麻醉科医生在整个手术过程中仔细监测病人的生命体征。)

6. Some patients experience nausea and vomiting as side effects of anesthesia. (一些病人在麻醉后会出现恶心和呕吐等副作用。)

7. Local anesthesia numbs a specific area so the patient doesn't feel pain during the procedure. (局部麻醉使特定区域麻木,使病人在手术过程中不感到疼痛。)

8. The anesthesiologist adjusted the dosage of anesthesia based on the patient's weight and medical history. (麻醉科医生根据病人的体重和病史调整麻醉剂的剂量。)

9. Anesthesia allows surgeons to perform intricate procedures without causing discomfort to the patient. (麻醉使外科医生能够进行复杂的手术而不会给病人带来不适。)

10. Post-operative care includes monitoring the patient for any adverse reactions to anesthesia. (术后护理包括监测病人是否对麻醉有不良反应。)

11. The patient was nervous before surgery but felt relieved after the anesthesia took effect. (手术前病人很紧张,但在麻醉开始起效后感到放松。)

12. It's important for patients to disclose any allergies they have to anesthesia medications. (病人披露他们对麻醉药物的任何过敏反应是很重要的。)

13. Regional anesthesia involves injecting an anesthetic around a cluster of nerves to numb a specific area. (区域麻醉涉及在神经集团周围注射麻醉剂以麻醉特定区域。)

14. The anesthesiologist used a mask to administer the gas anesthesia to the patient. (麻醉科医生使用面罩给病人输送气体麻醉剂。)

15. After waking up from anesthesia, the patient may experience grogginess and confusion. (从麻醉中醒来后,病人可能会感到迷糊和困惑。)


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