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时间: 2024-10-06 18:53:20


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "anthology" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The professor assigned readings from the literary anthology for the upcoming class. (教授布置了下节课要用到的文学选集的阅读材料。)

2. This anthology of short stories covers a wide range of themes and styles. (这本短篇小说选集涵盖了广泛的主题和风格。)

3. She contributed a poem to the anthology celebrating women poets. (她为庆祝女性诗人而贡献了一首诗。)

4. The anthology includes works from both established and emerging writers. (这本选集包括了已经成名和新兴作家的作品。)

5. We studied an anthology of Greek myths in our literature class. (我们在文学课上学习了一本关于希腊神话的选集。)

6. This anthology is a comprehensive collection of essays on environmental issues. (这本选集是关于环境问题的一部全面收集的文章。)

7. The anthology of jazz music spans several decades of recordings. (这部爵士音乐选集跨越了几十年的录音历史。)

8. Each year, the publishing house releases a new anthology of science fiction stories. (每年,出版社都会出版一本新的科幻故事选集。)

9. The anthology aims to showcase the diversity of contemporary art practices. (这部选集旨在展示当代艺术实践的多样性。)

10. He edited an anthology of political speeches from the past century. (他编辑了一本包含了过去一个世纪政治演讲的选集。)

11. The anthology features contributions from artists around the world. (这本选集展示了来自世界各地艺术家的贡献。)

12. Reading an anthology can provide insights into different cultural perspectives. (阅读选集可以带来对不同文化视角的洞察。)

13. The anthology was published in multiple languages to reach a global audience. (这本选集以多种语言出版,以吸引全球读者。)

14. They are planning an anthology of historical documents for the museum exhibit. (他们正在策划一本历史文件选集,用于博物馆展览。)

15. The anthology of photography captures the essence of life in urban environments. (这本摄影选集捕捉了城市环境中生活的精髓。)


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