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时间: 2024-10-06 18:53:56


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "apiary" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The beekeeper managed a small apiary in the orchard.

- 养蜂人在果园里管理着一个小蜂场。

2. The apiary produced a surplus of honey this year.

- 今年蜂场产出了大量的蜂蜜。

3. The apiary is carefully maintained to ensure the health of the bees.

- 蜂场被精心维护,以确保蜜蜂的健康。

4. Visitors can tour the apiary and learn about beekeeping practices.

- 游客可以参观蜂场,并了解养蜂的实践。

5. She spent the summer working in an apiary, learning about bee behavior.

- 她在蜂场里度过了夏天,学习了蜜蜂的行为。

6. The apiary owner provided protective gear for anyone visiting the hives.

- 蜂场主为访客提供了保护装备,以防蜂蜇。

7. The apiary was strategically located near fields of wildflowers.

- 蜂场被策略性地建在野花田附近。

8. An apiary is not only a place for honey production but also for pollination services.

- 蜂场不仅是生产蜂蜜的地方,还提供授粉服务。

9. The apiary's location was chosen for its access to clean water sources.

- 蜂场的位置之所以被选择,是因为附近有清洁的水源。

10. The apiary's bees play a crucial role in the local ecosystem.

- 蜂场的蜜蜂在当地生态系统中扮演着至关重要的角色。

11. Local schools often visit the apiary as part of their science curriculum.

- 当地的学校常常作为科学课程的一部分参观蜂场。

12. The apiary's bee population thrived due to careful management practices.

- 由于细心的管理实践,蜂场的蜜蜂数量蓬勃发展。

13. The apiary's hives were arranged in neat rows for easy access.

- 蜂场的蜂箱被整齐地排列成行,方便操作。

14. Beekeepers regularly inspect the apiary for signs of disease.

- 养蜂人定期检查蜂场,寻找疾病的迹象。

15. The apiary welcomed new apprentices eager to learn about beekeeping.

- 蜂场欢迎急于学习养蜂的新学徒加入。


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