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时间: 2024-10-05 20:52:34


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "attainable" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The goal of losing 10 pounds by the end of the month is attainable with proper diet and exercise. (通过适当的饮食和锻炼,本月末减掉10磅的目标是可以实现的。)

2. Financial independence may seem difficult, but with a clear plan, it is attainable. (财务独立可能看起来困难,但是有了明确的计划,是可以达到的。)

3. Setting small, attainable goals helps build confidence and motivation. (设定小而可实现的目标有助于建立信心和动力。)

4. The company set an attainable target for reducing carbon emissions by 20% over the next year. (公司设定了在未来一年内将碳排放减少20%的可实现目标。)

5. With dedication and persistence, fluency in a new language is attainable within a reasonable timeframe. (通过专注和坚持不懈,能在合理的时间内达到一门新语言的流利程度。)

6. The dream of owning a home seemed out of reach, but through careful planning, it became attainable. (拥有自己的房屋的梦想似乎是遥不可及的,但通过仔细的规划,它变得可以实现。)

7. The committee set attainable deadlines for each phase of the project to ensure timely completion. (委员会为项目的每个阶段设定了可实现的截止日期,以确保及时完成。)

8. Education is a fundamental right and should be attainable for everyone, regardless of their background. (教育是一项基本权利,每个人都应该能够获得,不论他们的背景如何。)

9. With the right resources and support, a career change is attainable at any stage of life. (凭借正确的资源和支持,任何生命阶段都可以实现职业转变。)

10. The team worked together to achieve an attainable solution to the complex problem. (团队共同努力,找到了复杂问题的可实现解决方案。)

11. The coach emphasized setting attainable milestones to measure progress throughout the season. (教练强调设定可实现的里程碑,以便在整个赛季中衡量进展。)

12. The government launched programs to make higher education more attainable for low-income families. (政府推出了项目,使低收入家庭更容易获得高等教育。)

13. She believes that happiness is an attainable goal for anyone who prioritizes personal growth. (她相信,对于那些把个人成长放在首位的人来说,幸福是一个可以实现的目标。)

14. By breaking the project into smaller tasks, they made the overall objective more attainable. (通过将项目分解成较小的任务,他们使整体目标更易实现。)

15. The mentor provided guidance on setting realistic and attainable career goals. (导师就设定现实而可实现的职业目标提供了指导。)


上一个 【英语】intangible的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】attainment的例句



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