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时间: 2024-09-20 08:28:40



1. She was considered a bedlamite after her sudden outburst in the meeting. (她在会议上突然发作后被认为是疯子。)

2. The novel portrayed him as a bedlamite driven mad by grief. (小说描绘了他因悲伤而疯狂的形象。)

3. The court found him unfit to stand trial, declaring him a bedlamite. (法院认为他无法应讯,宣布他为疯子。)

4. He was ranting like a bedlamite about government conspiracies. (他像个疯子般咆哮着政府阴谋论。)

5. The crowd scattered as the bedlamite began throwing things. (疯子开始扔东西,人群四散。)

6. She felt like a bedlamite trying to juggle work, family, and personal projects. (她觉得自己像个疯子,努力平衡工作、家庭和个人项目。)

7. The neighborhood regarded him as a harmless bedlamite who wandered the streets at night. (邻居们认为他是个无害的疯子,晚上在街上游荡。)

8. The playwright portrayed the king as a bedlamite overcome by power. (剧作家将国王描绘成一位被权力压倒的疯子。)

9. The asylum housed several bedlamites who required constant care. (精神病院收容了几位需要持续关怀的疯子。)

10. The painter's abstract art was dismissed by critics as the work of a bedlamite. (画家的抽象艺术被评论家视为疯子的作品而被忽视。)

11. He was labeled a bedlamite for his unconventional beliefs. (他因为其非传统信念而被贴上疯子的标签。)

12. The novel's protagonist wrestled with inner demons, at times feeling like a bedlamite trapped in his own mind. (小说的主人公与内心的恶魔搏斗,有时感觉自己像是困在自己思想中的疯子。)

13. The historical figure was considered a bedlamite due to his eccentric behavior. (这位历史人物因其古怪行为而被视为疯子。)

14. She played the role of a bedlamite in the theater production, showcasing her versatility as an actress. (她在戏剧中扮演了一个疯子的角色,展示了她作为演员的多才多艺。)

15. The journalist described the dictator as a bedlamite whose erratic decisions destabilized the region. (记者将这位独裁者描述为一个疯子,他的不稳定决策动摇了该地区。)


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