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时间: 2024-10-05 20:43:46


Certainly! "Brevity" means the quality of being concise and to the point. Here are 15 examples along with Chinese explanations:

1. Please keep your presentation to a maximum of ten minutes; brevity is key.

- 请将你的演讲控制在十分钟以内,简洁扼要是关键。

2. His speech was admired for its brevity and clarity.

- 他的演讲因为简洁明了而受到赞赏。

3. In journalism, brevity is important to ensure readers' attention is maintained.

- 在新闻业中,简洁至关重要,以确保读者的注意力不被分散。

4. The summary provided just the right amount of detail; its brevity was appreciated.

- 这份摘要提供了恰到好处的细节,其简洁性受到了赞赏。

5. The brevity of his reply left everyone unsure of his true feelings.

- 他回答的简洁让所有人都不确定他的真实感受。

6. The novel is admired for its brevity, conveying profound ideas in just a few pages.

- 这部小说因其简洁而受到赞赏,在短短几页内传达了深刻的思想。

7. Her notes are always concise, demonstrating a mastery of brevity in writing.

- 她的笔记总是简明扼要,显示了她在写作中精通简洁的能力。

8. The poet's haiku exemplifies the beauty of brevity in literature.

- 这位诗人的俳句展示了文学中简洁之美的典范。

9. During the meeting, he made his point with characteristic brevity.

- 在会议期间,他以其特有的简洁表达了自己的观点。

10. The advertisement's brevity captured the essence of the product in just a few words.

- 广告的简洁在几个字中捕捉到了产品的本质。

11. The brevity of their conversation left much unsaid.

- 他们的对话简短,留下了许多未说之事。

12. In academic writing, achieving brevity without sacrificing clarity is a challenge.

- 在学术写作中,实现简洁而不失清晰是一项挑战。

13. The lawyer's closing argument was marked by its brevity and effectiveness.

- 律师的结案陈词以其简洁和有效性著称。

14. The professor encouraged students to aim for brevity in their essays without omitting key points.

- 教授鼓励学生在写作中追求简洁,同时不要遗漏关键点。

15. The beauty of the poem lies in its brevity and emotional depth.

- 这首诗的美在于其简洁和情感深度。


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