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时间: 2024-09-10 05:28:28


1. The rider gently pulled on the bridle to steer the horse in the right direction.


2. She adjusted the bridle to fit the horse's head properly.


3. The bridle was decorated with intricate designs and silver buckles.


4. The horse tossed its head, trying to shake off the bridle.


5. The bridle snapped, causing the rider to lose control of the horse.


6. The horse obediently followed the subtle cues from the bridle.


7. She carefully cleaned and polished the bridle before the competition.


8. The bridle is an essential piece of equipment for riding a horse.


9. The bridle was too tight, causing the horse discomfort.


10. The bridle is used to control the horse's movements and direction.


11. 她把缰绳系在马的头上,准备出发。

12. 缰绳是马术运动中不可或缺的装备。

13. 骑手轻轻拉了拉缰绳,马儿便缓缓停下了脚步。

14. 缰绳的设计精美,是一件艺术品。

15. 骑手技艺娴熟,能够熟练地运用缰绳控制马的动作。

16. 缰绳断了,导致马失去了控制。

17. 她精心照料着缰绳,以确保它始终保持良好的状态。

18. 马儿不喜欢戴着缰绳,总是试图甩掉它。

19. 缰绳是骑马运动中非常重要的一部分。

20. 她花了很多时间来学习如何正确地使用缰绳来控制马。

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