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时间: 2024-09-17 13:45:24


1. The sound of the bees' buzz filled the air.(蜜蜂的嗡嗡声充满了空气。)

2. There was a buzz of excitement in the room as the famous actor entered.(当著名演员进入时,房间里充满了兴奋的嗡嗡声。)

3. The buzz of the alarm clock woke me up.(闹钟的嗡嗡声把我吵醒了。)

4. The buzz of the city was overwhelming to the small-town visitor.(城市的嗡嗡声让小镇游客感到不知所措。)

5. The buzz of the fluorescent lights was irritating.(荧光灯的嗡嗡声很烦人。)

6. There's a buzz around the new restaurant in town.(镇上有关于新餐馆的嗡嗡声。)

7. The buzz of the motorcycle engines could be heard from miles away.(摩托车引擎的嗡嗡声可以听到几英里之外。)

8. The buzz of the saw filled the workshop.(电锯的嗡嗡声充满了车间。)

9. The buzz of the conversation in the room was deafening.(房间里的谈话声嗡嗡作响。)

10. The buzz of the crowd at the concert was electrifying.(音乐会上观众的嗡嗡声令人兴奋。)

11. The buzz of the news spread quickly.(消息的嗡嗡声迅速传开。)

12. The buzz of the mosquito kept me awake all night.(蚊子的嗡嗡声让我整夜都睡不着。)

13. The buzz of the drone could be heard overhead.(无人机的嗡嗡声可以听到头顶。)

14. The buzz of the excitement in the air was palpable.(空气中的兴奋嗡嗡声让人感受到了。)

15. The buzz of the coffee shop was a comforting background noise.(咖啡店的嗡嗡声是一种令人安心的背景噪音。)

16. The buzz of the announcement caused a stir in the office.(宣布的嗡嗡声在办公室引起了轰动。)

17. The buzz of the chainsaw echoed through the forest.(电锯的嗡嗡声在森林中回荡。)

18. The buzz of the rumor spread like wildfire.(谣言的嗡嗡声迅速传播。)

19. The buzz of the computer fan was a constant hum in the room.(电脑风扇的嗡嗡声在房间里持续不断。)

20. The buzz of anticipation filled the stadium before the game.(比赛前,期待的嗡嗡声充满了体育场。)

上一个 【英语】buyer的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】bye-bye的例句



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