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时间: 2024-09-19 11:26:04


1. The technician spent hours calibrating the equipment to ensure accurate measurements.


2. The scientist had to recalibrate the microscope after it was moved to a different location.


3. The calibration of the scales was off, resulting in inaccurate readings.


4. It is important to regularly calibrate medical equipment to ensure patient safety.


5. The calibration process involves adjusting and aligning the instrument to a known standard.


6. The calibration of the thermometer was checked against a certified reference standard.


7. The factory workers had to calibrate the machinery before starting production.


8. The accuracy of the GPS system relies on proper calibration of the satellite signals.


9. The technician used a precision instrument to calibrate the pressure gauge.


10. The calibration of the radar system was crucial for the success of the mission.


11. 校准是指通过调整和对准仪器或设备,使其达到标准或精确度的过程。

12. 在校准之前,需要对仪器进行检查和调整,以确保准确度。

13. 这台仪器的校准已经过期,需要定期更新以保持精确度。

14. 校准过程可能需要使用标准参考物来验证仪器的准确度。

15. 校准是确保仪器或设备准确工作的重要步骤,特别是在科学和工程领域。

16. 这个新的校准方法可以提高测量精度和稳定性。

17. 工程师花了几个小时来校准这台仪器,以确保它的准确度。

18. 校准结果显示,这个仪器的读数存在偏差,需要进一步调整。

19. 这个实验室对所有仪器进行了定期校准,以确保实验数据的准确性。

20. 校准过程可能需要进行多次试验和调整,直到达到所需的精度水平。

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