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时间: 2024-10-05 20:41:27



1. The light bulb emits 100 candela of brightness, illuminating the entire room.(这个灯泡发出100坎德拉的亮度,照亮了整个房间。)

2. The headlights on the car have a candela rating that ensures safe driving at night.(汽车的前灯具有坎德拉评级,确保夜间行车安全。)

3. In photography, adjusting the aperture affects the number of candelas captured by the camera.(在摄影中,调整光圈会影响相机捕捉到的坎德拉数。)

4. The torch used by the hiker emits a powerful beam of 5000 candelas for visibility in the dark.(徒步旅行者使用的手电筒发出强光束,达到5000坎德拉,以增强在黑暗中的可见性。)

5. Candlelight typically measures around 1 candela in brightness.(烛光通常约为1坎德拉亮度。)

6. The theater's spotlight has an intensity of 2000 candelas, making it ideal for stage performances.(剧院的聚光灯强度为2000坎德拉,非常适合舞台表演。)

7. A lighthouse beacon can emit up to 1,000,000 candelas to guide ships at sea.(灯塔灯火可以发出高达100万坎德拉的光亮,用于指引海上船只。)

8. The streetlights were upgraded to 500 candelas to improve nighttime visibility for pedestrians.(街灯升级到500坎德拉,以提高行人的夜间可见性。)

9. Emergency exit signs must be visible with at least 5 candelas of brightness to comply with safety regulations.(应急出口标志必须具有至少5坎德拉的亮度,以符合安全法规。)

10. The laboratory equipment uses a light source of 50 candelas for precise measurements.(实验室设备使用50坎德拉的光源进行精确测量。)

11. A flashlight with adjustable candela settings allows for varying degrees of brightness.(可调节坎德拉设置的手电筒可以提供不同亮度的光线。)

12. The stadium floodlights have an impressive output of 10,000 candelas each.(体育场的泛光灯每个灯具的输出达到了令人印象深刻的10,000坎德拉。)

13. Industrial spotlights are rated at 15,000 candelas to illuminate large warehouse spaces.(工业聚光灯的评级为15,000坎德拉,用于照明大型仓库空间。)

14. The candlepower of the vehicle's headlights was measured at 6000 candelas during testing.(车辆前灯的烛光强度在测试中测量为6000坎德拉。)

15. Energy-efficient LEDs can produce high candela values with minimal power consumption.(能效LED灯可以在极少功耗的情况下产生高坎德拉值。)


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