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时间: 2024-10-05 20:43:00



1. The candescence of the stars filled the night sky with brilliance.(星星的明亮光芒填满了夜空。)

2. The forge glowed with a fierce candescence as the metal was heated to its melting point.(熔炉发出强烈的光芒,金属被加热到了熔点。)

3. The dancer's performance was so energetic that it seemed to radiate a vibrant candescence.(舞者的表演充满了活力,宛如散发着明亮的光芒。)

4. The volcanic eruption illuminated the sky with an eerie candescence.(火山爆发使天空被一种怪异的明亮光芒所照亮。)

5. The campfire's candescence warmed us on that cold winter night.(篝火的明亮光芒在那个寒冷的冬夜温暖了我们。)

6. The hot coals glowed with a steady candescence.(热煤炭发出稳定的明亮光芒。)

7. The neon lights of the city cast a colorful candescence over the streets.(城市的霓虹灯在街道上投下了五彩缤纷的光芒。)

8. The artist captured the candescence of the sunset in her painting.(艺术家在画中捕捉到了日落的明亮光芒。)

9. The scientist studied the candescence emitted by the chemical reaction.(科学家研究了化学反应中发出的明亮光芒。)

10. The fireworks exploded in a brilliant candescence overhead.(烟花在头顶上空爆炸,发出绚丽的明亮光芒。)

11. The candles added a soft candescence to the romantic dinner.(蜡烛为浪漫的晚餐增添了柔和的明亮光芒。)

12. The stage lights bathed the actors in a dramatic candescence.(舞台灯光为演员们带来了戏剧性的明亮光芒。)

13. The gemstone sparkled with an inner candescence.(宝石闪耀着内在的明亮光芒。)

14. The spacecraft re-entered the atmosphere, surrounded by a fiery candescence.(宇宙飞船重新进入大气层,周围笼罩着火焰般的明亮光芒。)

15. His eyes held a fierce candescence as he recounted the thrilling adventure.(他的眼中闪烁着强烈的光芒,当他讲述那次刺激的冒险。)


上一个 【英语】candela的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】incandescent的例句



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