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时间: 2024-09-17 13:23:01


1. The artist used a canvas to create a beautiful painting of a sunset.(艺术家用画布创作了一幅美丽的日落画)

2. The canvas was stretched tightly over the wooden frame.(画布被紧紧拉在木框架上)

3. She used acrylic paint on canvas to create a modern abstract artwork.(她用丙烯颜料在画布上创作了一幅现代抽象艺术作品)

4. The canvas was rolled up and stored in a tube for safekeeping.(画布被卷起来放在管子里保存)

5. The artist carefully primed the canvas before starting to paint.(艺术家在开始绘画前仔细地打底了画布)

6. The canvas was torn in a few places, but the artist was able to repair it.(画布在几个地方被撕破了,但艺术家成功修复了它)

7. The canvas was covered in splashes of colorful paint, creating a vibrant and dynamic composition.(画布上布满了五颜六色的颜料飞溅,形成了一个充满活力和动感的构图)

8. The canvas was hung on the wall, displaying the artist's latest masterpiece.(画布被挂在墙上,展示着艺术家的最新杰作)

9. She used a variety of brushes on the canvas to achieve different textures and effects.(她在画布上使用各种刷子来达到不同的质感和效果)

10. The canvas was carefully stretched and stapled to the wooden frame.(画布被仔细地拉紧并用订书钉固定在木框架上)

11. The canvas was left blank, waiting for the artist's inspiration to strike.(画布被留空,等待艺术家的灵感降临)

12. She used oil pastels on canvas to create a colorful and expressive artwork.(她在画布上使用油性粉笔创作了一幅色彩丰富而富有表现力的作品)

13. The canvas was carefully rolled up and stored in a protective case.(画布被仔细地卷起来放在一个保护盒里)

14. The canvas was covered in intricate patterns and designs, showcasing the artist's attention to detail.(画布上布满了复杂的图案和设计,展示了艺术家对细节的关注)

15. She used watercolors on canvas to create a soft and ethereal painting.(她在画布上使用水彩颜料创作了一幅柔和而飘渺的画作)

16. The canvas was carefully stretched and primed with gesso before painting.(画布被仔细地拉紧并在绘画前用石膏打底)

17. The canvas was propped up on an easel, ready for the artist to begin working.(画布被放在画架上,等待艺术家开始工作)

18. She used mixed media on canvas to create a textured and layered artwork.(她在画布上使用多种媒材创作了一幅质感丰富、层次分明的作品)

19. The canvas was carefully protected from dust and sunlight to preserve the artwork.(画布被仔细地保护免受灰尘和阳光的侵害以保护作品)

20. She used a palette knife on canvas to create bold and expressive brushstrokes.(她在画布上使用调色刀创作了大胆而富有表现力的笔触)

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