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时间: 2024-09-28 23:03:38



1. Her confession was a cathartic experience, allowing her to release years of pent-up emotions.

- 她的忏悔是一种宣泄体验,让她释放了多年积压的情感。

2. Writing in her journal served as a cathartic outlet for her stress and anxiety.

- 在日记中写作成为她释放压力和焦虑的一种宣泄方式。

3. The film was not just entertaining but also had a cathartic effect on the audience.

- 这部电影不仅有娱乐性,还对观众产生了宣泄作用。

4. Participating in the therapy session was a cathartic moment for him.

- 参与治疗会议对他来说是一个宣泄的时刻。

5. After the heated argument, he felt a cathartic sense of relief.

- 激烈争吵后,他感到一种宣泄的解脱感。

6. The novel’s intense emotional scenes provided a cathartic experience for readers.

- 这部小说中激烈的情感场景为读者提供了一种宣泄体验。

7. Yoga can be a cathartic practice, helping individuals to release emotional tension.

- 瑜伽可以是一种宣泄的练习,帮助个人释放情感紧张。

8. The artist found the creative process to be a cathartic release from his daily struggles.

- 这位艺术家发现创作过程是从日常困境中释放情感的宣泄方式。

9. She used humor as a cathartic way to deal with her personal challenges.

- 她用幽默作为处理个人挑战的宣泄方式。

10. The support group provided a cathartic environment for people dealing with grief.

- 支持小组为处理悲伤的人们提供了一个宣泄的环境。

11. For many, exercise is a cathartic activity that helps clear their mind.

- 对许多人来说,运动是一种宣泄活动,有助于清理他们的思维。

12. He found that talking to a friend could be a cathartic experience during tough times.

- 他发现,在困难时期与朋友交谈可以是一种宣泄体验。

13. The cathartic nature of the play helped the audience confront their own fears.

- 这部剧的宣泄性质帮助观众面对自己的恐惧。

14. Meditation offered her a cathartic release from the stress of daily life.

- 冥想为她提供了从日常生活压力中释放情感的宣泄方式。

15. The cathartic impact of the music was evident as it brought tears to her eyes.

- 这音乐的宣泄影响显而易见,因为它让她泪水夺眶而出。

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