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时间: 2024-09-28 22:56:36



1. She had a childlike innocence that charmed everyone she met. (她拥有一种天真无邪的童真,让她遇到的每个人都感到喜爱。)

2. His enthusiasm for life was refreshing; he had a childlike joy in everything he did. (他对生活充满热情,他做的每件事都充满了童真的喜悦。)

3. Despite her fame, she retained a childlike curiosity about the world. (尽管她很出名,她对世界依然保持着一种童真的好奇心。)

4. The painting captured a childlike wonder at the beauty of nature. (这幅画捕捉到了对大自然美丽的一种童真的惊叹。)

5. His actions were marked by a childlike trust in others. (他的行动充满了对他人的童真信任。)

6. The story was told with a childlike simplicity that appealed to audiences of all ages. (这个故事用一种童真的简单方式讲述,吸引了各个年龄段的观众。)

7. She approached the challenge with a childlike determination to succeed. (她以一种童真的决心来面对挑战,要取得成功。)

8. His face lit up with childlike excitement when he saw the surprise. (当他看到惊喜时,他的脸上露出了一种童真的兴奋。)

9. The sculpture captured the childlike innocence of the subject. (这座雕塑捕捉到了主题的童真无邪。)

10. She spoke with a childlike honesty that was refreshing to hear. (她说话时充满了一种让人耳目一新的童真诚实。)

11. The movie portrayed the character's childlike optimism in the face of adversity. (电影描绘了角色在逆境中的童真乐观。)

12. He had a childlike fascination with how things worked. (他对事物运作的方式充满了一种童真的迷恋。)

13. The book captures the essence of childlike imagination. (这本书捕捉到了童真想象力的本质。)

14. Despite her age, she had a childlike sense of wonder about the universe. (尽管年龄已长,她对宇宙依然保持着一种童真的惊奇感。)

15. The song's lyrics evoked a childlike nostalgia for simpler times. (这首歌的歌词唤起了对更简单时光的一种童真怀旧情感。)


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