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时间: 2024-10-06 20:07:00



1. The garden was filled with vibrant chrysanthemums of various colors. (花园里种满了各种颜色鲜艳的菊花。)

2. She decorated the table with a bouquet of chrysanthemums. (她用一束菊花装饰了桌子。)

3. In Japan, chrysanthemums are a symbol of the imperial family. (在日本,菊花是皇室的象征。)

4. The painting depicted a delicate chrysanthemum in full bloom. (这幅画描绘了一朵盛开的精致菊花。)

5. Chrysanthemum tea is popular in many Asian countries. (菊花茶在许多亚洲国家很受欢迎。)

6. They planted chrysanthemums along the pathway leading to the house. (他们沿着通往房子的小路种了菊花。)

7. The fragrance of chrysanthemums filled the air in the garden. (菊花的香气充满了花园。)

8. She wore a dress embroidered with chrysanthemum patterns. (她穿着一件刺绣有菊花图案的连衣裙。)

9. Chrysanthemums are often used in traditional Chinese medicine. (菊花经常被用于传统中药中。)

10. The festival featured elaborate displays of chrysanthemums. (节日上展示了精美的菊花陈列。)

11. He gifted her a painting of chrysanthemums as a birthday present. (他送给她一幅菊花画作为生日礼物。)

12. The artist captured the essence of autumn in his chrysanthemum paintings. (艺术家在他的菊花画作中捕捉了秋天的精髓。)

13. The chrysanthemum festival attracted tourists from all over the world. (菊花节吸引了来自世界各地的游客。)

14. Chrysanthemums are known for their longevity as cut flowers. (菊花因为作为切花有长久的保存期而闻名。)

15. She pressed chrysanthemums between the pages of her journal. (她把菊花放在日记本的页间压制保存。)


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