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时间: 2024-09-28 23:01:13



1. The comedian had the audience roaring with laughter throughout his entire set.

- 这位喜剧演员在整个表演过程中让观众捧腹大笑。

2. She became a successful comedian after years of performing stand-up comedy.

- 她经过多年的单口喜剧表演后成为了一名成功的喜剧演员。

3. His style of comedy is unique; he doesn't rely on typical jokes but on witty observations.

- 他的喜剧风格很独特,不依赖于典型的笑话,而是靠睿智的观察。

4. The comedian's satire often tackles social issues with humor and insight.

- 这位喜剧演员的讽刺经常以幽默和洞察力处理社会问题。

5. She is known for her sharp wit and impeccable timing as a comedian.

- 她以敏锐的智慧和完美的时机而闻名,是一位喜剧演员。

6. As a comedian, he manages to find humor in even the most mundane aspects of daily life.

- 作为一名喜剧演员,他甚至能在日常生活中最平凡的方面找到幽默。

7. The comedian's jokes are often self-deprecating, endearing him to the audience.

- 这位喜剧演员的笑话经常自嘲,让他赢得了观众的喜爱。

8. He started his career as a comedian in small clubs, gradually building a loyal fan base.

- 他在小俱乐部开始了他的喜剧演员生涯,逐渐建立了忠实的粉丝群体。

9. The comedian's observational humor resonates with people from all walks of life.

- 这位喜剧演员的观察幽默引起了来自各行各业的人们的共鸣。

10. She won the award for best comedian at the comedy festival for her outstanding performances.

- 她因出色的表演在喜剧节上获得了最佳喜剧演员奖。

11. The comedian's ability to improvise on stage makes each show unique and unpredictable.

- 这位喜剧演员在舞台上的即兴能力使每场表演都变得独特而不可预测。

12. He transitioned from being a comedian to writing comedy scripts for television shows.

- 他从喜剧演员转变为为电视节目编写喜剧剧本。

13. The comedian's jokes are cleverly crafted to provoke laughter and thought simultaneously.

- 这位喜剧演员的笑话巧妙地制作,能同时引发笑声和思考。

14. His stand-up routine as a comedian often touches on cultural differences with humorous anecdotes.

- 作为一名喜剧演员,他的单口喜剧常常通过幽默的轶事触及文化差异。

15. The comedian's charm lies in his ability to connect with the audience on a personal level through humor.

- 这位喜剧演员的魅力在于他通过幽默与观众在个人层面上建立联系。


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