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时间: 2024-09-10 06:03:30


1. I need to compile a report on our sales figures for the past quarter.(我需要整理一份关于上个季度销售数据的报告。)

2. The librarian spent hours compiling a list of recommended books for the new reading program.(图书管理员花了几个小时整理了一份新阅读计划推荐书目的清单。)

3. The software engineer had to compile the code before testing it for bugs.(软件工程师在测试代码之前必须编译代码。)

4. She compiled all the research findings into a comprehensive academic paper.(她将所有研究结果整理成一篇全面的学术论文。)

5. The editor compiled a list of potential interview questions for the upcoming article.(编辑整理了一份即将发表文章的潜在采访问题清单。)

6. It took me days to compile all the necessary documents for the job application.(我花了好几天时间整理所有求职申请所需的文件。)

7. The historian compiled a detailed timeline of events leading up to the war.(历史学家编制了一份详细的时间表,记录了导致战争爆发的事件。)

8. The research team compiled data from various sources to analyze patterns in consumer behavior.(研究团队整理了来自各种来源的数据,以分析消费者行为的模式。)

9. The teacher asked the students to compile a list of vocabulary words for the upcoming quiz.(老师要求学生整理一份即将进行的测验所需的词汇表。)

10. The journalist compiled eyewitness accounts to create a detailed report on the accident.(记者整理目击者的描述,撰写了一份详细的事故报告。)

11. The compiler translates source code into machine code.(编译器将源代码翻译成机器码。)

12. The compiler detected an error in the code and highlighted it for the programmer to fix.(编译器检测到代码中的错误,并将其标记出来供程序员修复。)

13. The compiler optimizes the code for better performance.(编译器对代码进行优化,以获得更好的性能。)

14. The compiler generates an executable file from the source code.(编译器从源代码生成可执行文件。)

15. The compiler checks for syntax errors in the code during compilation.(编译器在编译过程中检查代码中的语法错误。)

16. The compiler converts high-level language code into low-level machine code.(编译器将高级语言代码转换为低级机器码。)

17. The compiler links different modules of the program together during compilation.(编译器在编译过程中将程序的不同模块链接在一起。)

18. The compiler translates the code into a format that the computer can understand and execute.(编译器将代码翻译成计算机可以理解和执行的格式。)

19. The compiler is an essential tool for software development as it converts human-readable code into machine-readable code.(编译器是软件开发的重要工具,因为它将人类可读的代码转换为机器可读的代码。)

20. The compiler is a crucial component of the programming process, as it ensures that the code is error-free and optimized for performance.(编译器是编程过程中至关重要的组成部分,因为它确保代码无误并且性能优化。)

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