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时间: 2024-10-06 14:46:40



1. She tried to conceiliate her angry neighbors by baking them cookies. (她试图通过给邻居们烤饼干来安抚他们的愤怒。)

2. The manager made efforts to conceiliate the unhappy customers by offering them a discount. (经理通过给他们提供折扣来努力安抚那些不满意的顾客。)

3. He knew he had to conceiliate his boss after the mistake he made in the presentation. (他知道在演示中犯了错后必须安抚老板。)

4. The diplomat's job was to conceiliate between the two conflicting nations. (外交官的工作是在两个冲突的国家之间进行调解。)

5. She managed to conceiliate her friends after the misunderstanding. (误会之后,她设法安抚了她的朋友。)

6. He tried to conceiliate his fear with rational arguments. (他试图用理性的论点来安抚自己的恐惧。)

7. The mediator's role was to conceiliate between the striking workers and the management. (调解员的角色是在罢工工人和管理层之间进行调解。)

8. The politician's speech aimed to conceiliate both sides of the debate. (政治家的讲话旨在安抚辩论的双方。)

9. The CEO needed to conceiliate the shareholders after the company's poor financial results. (CEO需要在公司财务表现不佳后安抚股东。)

10. It took months of effort to conceiliate the warring factions within the country. (花费了数月时间来安抚国内的交战派系。)

11. She managed to conceiliate her conflicting emotions about the decision. (她设法安抚了自己对这个决定的矛盾情绪。)

12. His attempt to conceiliate his critics only made them more determined. (他试图安抚他的批评者,结果却让他们更加坚定。)

13. The judge's role was to conceiliate the disputing parties and find a fair resolution. (法官的角色是调解争议双方并找到公正的解决方案。)

14. The teacher tried to conceiliate the quarreling students during recess. (老师试图在课间休息时安抚争吵的学生。)

15. The therapist helped him conceiliate his past traumas and move forward. (治疗师帮助他安抚过去的创伤并向前迈进。)


上一个 【英语】chromosome的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】conciliatory的例句



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