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时间: 2024-09-28 22:54:13


Certainly! "Consociate" is not a very commonly used word, but here are some example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The two companies decided to consociate for a joint marketing campaign. (这两家公司决定联合进行市场推广。)

2. In some countries, political parties consociate to form coalition governments. (在一些国家,政党会联合组成联合政府。)

3. The researchers consociated their efforts to solve the complex problem. (研究人员联合起来解决这个复杂的问题。)

4. The universities consociated to offer a combined degree program. (这些大学联合开设了一个联合学位课程。)

5. The different cultural groups were encouraged to consociate and share their traditions. (不同的文化群体被鼓励联合起来分享各自的传统。)

6. Artists and designers often consociate to create innovative projects. (艺术家和设计师经常联合起来创造创新项目。)

7. The NGOs decided to consociate their resources to provide better support to the community. (非政府组织决定联合他们的资源,为社区提供更好的支持。)

8. Companies and educational institutions consociate to offer internship opportunities to students. (公司和教育机构联合起来为学生提供实习机会。)

9. The political parties consociated around a common agenda for urban development. (政党围绕城市发展的共同议程进行了联合。)

10. The artists consociated their efforts to organize a successful art exhibition. (艺术家联合起来组织成功的艺术展览。)

11. The organizations decided to consociate to advocate for environmental protection. (这些组织决定联合起来倡导环境保护。)

12. International agencies consociated to provide humanitarian aid in the disaster-stricken region. (国际机构联合起来在灾区提供人道主义援助。)

13. The musicians consociate their talents to create a unique sound. (音乐家们联合他们的才华创造出独特的音乐。)

14. The researchers consociated to publish a collaborative study on climate change. (研究人员联合起来发表了一篇关于气候变化的合作研究。)

15. Governments consociated to negotiate a peace treaty after years of conflict. (政府在经历了多年的冲突后联合起来谈判和平条约。)


上一个 【英语】sociality的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】dissociate的例句



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