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时间: 2024-09-10 06:13:43


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "culpable" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The judge found the defendant culpable of fraud and sentenced him accordingly. (法官认定被告犯有欺诈罪,并据此判决。)

2. The committee determined that negligence was culpable in the accident. (委员会认定事故中存在过失有罪。)

3. It was evident that the manager was culpable for the project's failure. (显然经理对项目失败负有责任。)

4. He refused to accept that he might be culpable for the company's financial troubles. (他拒绝承认自己对公司的财务问题负有责任。)

5. The company's CEO was held culpable for the environmental damage caused by the spill. (公司的CEO因溢油造成的环境破坏被认定有罪。)

6. The investigation revealed several culpable parties in the embezzlement scheme. (调查揭示了贪污计划中的几个有罪当事人。)

7. She felt culpable for not speaking up when she witnessed the injustice. (当她目睹不公正时没有站出来,她感到内疚。)

8. The police held the suspect culpable for the arson attack. (警方认定嫌疑人对纵火袭击负有责任。)

9. The company's safety officer was found culpable for not implementing proper safety measures. (公司的安全官因未实施适当的安全措施被认定有罪。)

10. The report indicated that multiple parties were culpable for the ethical violations. (报告显示多方存在道德违规行为有罪。)

11. Despite his culpable actions, he was given a chance to redeem himself. (尽管他的行为有罪,但他还是有机会挽回自己。)

12. The committee's findings made it clear who was culpable for the data breach. (委员会的调查结果清楚地表明了谁对数据泄露负有责任。)

13. Her silence in the face of injustice rendered her culpable in the eyes of many. (在面对不公时她的沉默,在很多人眼中使她也有罪。)

14. The court held the corporation culpable for violating labor laws. (法庭认定公司因违反劳工法有罪。)

15. The government agency was found culpable for mishandling public funds. (政府机构因处理公共资金不当而被认定有罪。)


上一个 【英语】hypocrite的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】inculpate的例句



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