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时间: 2024-09-20 00:10:31


1. The deflection of the ball off the player's foot sent it flying into the goal.


2. The deflection of the light off the mirror created a beautiful pattern on the wall.


3. The deflection of the politician's statement caused confusion among the public.


4. The deflection of the river's course caused flooding in the nearby town.


5. The deflection of the bullet by the armor saved the soldier's life.


6. The deflection of the aircraft's wing caused it to lose altitude.


7. The deflection of the compass needle indicated the presence of a magnetic field.


8. The deflection of the tennis ball off the net made it difficult for the opponent to return.


9. The deflection of the satellite's orbit was caused by gravitational forces from nearby planets.


10. The deflection of the conversation away from the main topic frustrated the meeting participants.


11. 在体育比赛中,球员的偏转动作使球朝着不同的方向飞行。

12. 风的偏转导致了飞机的延误。

13. 这个装置可以减少光线的偏转。

14. 警察通过对嫌疑人的问讯,试图揭露他的言词的偏转。

15. 这个研究项目的目的是研究水流的偏转。

16. 磁铁的偏转指示了磁场的方向。

17. 这个电子仪器可以测量光线的偏转。

18. 他的观点的偏转导致了激烈的争论。

19. 汽车的偏转使司机难以控制方向。

20. 这个机器的偏转功能使得工作更加高效。

上一个 【英语】deflect的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】flourish的例句



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