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时间: 2024-09-10 05:09:54


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using "demote," along with their Chinese translations:

1. They had to demote him after he consistently failed to meet sales targets.

- 由于他一再未能达到销售目标,他们不得不降职他。

2. The manager decided to demote the supervisor for mishandling the project.

- 经理决定因为项目处理不当而降职主管。

3. She was demoted to a lower position within the company.

- 她被降职到公司内的一个较低职位。

4. After the scandal, the CEO was demoted to a consultant role.

- 丑闻曝光后,首席执行官被降职为顾问角色。

5. They demoted him from team leader to a regular staff member.

- 他们将他从团队领导降职为普通员工。

6. Due to budget cuts, several employees were demoted instead of being laid off.

- 由于预算削减,一些员工被降职而不是被裁员。

7. The coach decided to demote the star player to the bench for disciplinary reasons.

- 教练因为纪律问题决定将明星球员降职到替补席。

8. He feared being demoted if he couldn't improve his performance.

- 如果他不能提高表现,他害怕会被降职。

9. The military officer was demoted for disobeying orders.

- 这名军官因违抗命令而被降职。

10. The company policy allows for demotion as an alternative to termination.

- 公司政策允许将降职作为解雇的替代方案。

11. She was demoted to assistant manager following the restructuring.

- 在重组后,她被降职为助理经理。

12. The demotion was a blow to his career aspirations.

- 这次降职对他的职业抱负是一个打击。

13. He refused the demotion and chose to resign instead.

- 他拒绝了降职,并选择辞职。

14. The demotion was seen as a consequence of poor decision-making.

- 这次降职被视为糟糕决策的后果。

15. The demote was a result of restructuring efforts to streamline operations.

- 降职是为了精简运营而进行的重组努力的结果。

上一个 【英语】postmortem的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】commotion的例句



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