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时间: 2024-10-07 16:56:45



1. She made a desultory attempt at working out, but quickly lost interest. 她试图做一些锻炼,但很快就失去了兴趣。(做事不连贯的,散漫的)

2. After an hour of desultory conversation, they parted ways. 经过一个小时的散漫聊天后,他们分道扬镳了。(松散的,随意的)

3. He took a desultory approach to studying for the exam, resulting in poor grades. 他对备考考试采取了散漫的态度,导致成绩不佳。(漫无目的的,不连贯的)

4. The company made a desultory effort to improve customer service, but it was half-hearted. 公司做了一些散漫的努力来改善客户服务,但并不积极。(随意的,不认真的)

5. Their desultory search for a new apartment yielded no results. 他们散漫地寻找新公寓,并没有任何结果。(漫无目的的,不连贯的)

6. He made desultory attempts to learn Spanish, but never progressed beyond basic phrases. 他曾试图学习西班牙语,但从未超出基本短语的阶段。(散漫的,不连贯的)

7. The project suffered due to their desultory planning. 由于他们的散漫计划,项目遭受了损失。(不认真的,随意的)

8. She flipped through the magazine in a desultory manner, not really reading anything. 她随意地翻阅杂志,其实什么也没读。(漫无目的的,散漫的)

9. His desultory jogging routine didn't do much for his fitness. 他那种随意的慢跑方式对他的健康并没有多大帮助。(漫无目的的,不连贯的)

10. The students' desultory answers reflected their lack of preparation for the exam. 学生们散漫的回答反映出他们对考试准备不足。(漫无目的的,不认真的)

11. He took a desultory approach to his career, never committing fully to any one path. 他对自己的职业生涯采取了散漫的态度,从未完全投入到任何一条路上。(不连贯的,松散的)

12. The team's desultory performance in the first half disappointed their fans. 球队在上半场的漫无目的表现令球迷失望。(随意的,不认真的)

13. Despite their desultory efforts, they managed to finish the project on time. 尽管他们的努力不连贯,他们还是及时完成了项目。(随意的,不认真的)

14. She wrote her essay in a desultory fashion, jumping from one topic to another without clear transitions. 她写文章的方式散漫,话题跳跃,没有明确的过渡。(不连贯的,散漫的)

15. The manager's desultory instructions left the team confused about their tasks. 经理散漫的指示让团队对他们的任务感到困惑。(随意的,不认真的)


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