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时间: 2024-09-20 05:49:40


1. I had difficulty understanding the instructions.我很难理解这些说明。

2. The hike was challenging, but I enjoyed the difficulty.这次徒步旅行很具挑战性,但我很享受。

3. She faced difficulty finding a job after graduation.她毕业后面临着找工作的困难。

4. The difficulty of the puzzle stumped me for hours.这个难题让我困扰了几个小时。

5. He struggled with the difficulty of the math problem.他在解决这个数学问题的困难中挣扎。

6. The difficulty of the task made it seem impossible.这项任务的困难使它看起来不可能完成。

7. They encountered difficulty in reaching a compromise.他们在达成妥协方面遇到了困难。

8. The difficulty of the situation was overwhelming.这种情况的困难是压倒性的。

9. Despite the difficulty, she persevered and achieved her goal.尽管困难重重,她坚持不懈,最终实现了她的目标。

10. The difficulty of the test caught many students off guard.考试的难度让很多学生措手不及。

11. He found the difficulty of learning a new language challenging.他觉得学习一门新语言的困难具有挑战性。

12. Dealing with the difficulty of a chronic illness can be exhausting.应对慢性疾病的困难可能令人筋疲力尽。

13. The difficulty of the project required extra resources.项目的困难需要额外的资源。

14. Overcoming the difficulty of public speaking was a personal triumph.克服公众演讲的困难是个人的胜利。

15. The difficulty of the decision weighed heavily on her mind.这个决定的困难让她心情沉重。

16. The difficulty of the climb was underestimated by the hikers.爬山的难度被徒步者低估了。

17. The difficulty of the task was apparent to everyone involved.这项任务的困难对所有参与者都是显而易见的。

18. The difficulty of the situation was exacerbated by the lack of resources.由于资源匮乏,这种情况的困难变得更加严重。

19. She rose to the challenge of the difficulty and succeeded.她迎接了困难的挑战,并取得了成功。

20. Despite the difficulty, he remained determined to overcome it.尽管困难重重,他仍然决心克服。

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