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时间: 2024-10-05 20:44:25


当然,请看以下关于 "doleful" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. She sang a doleful song about lost love. 她唱了一首关于失恋的悲伤歌曲。

2. The doleful expression on his face revealed his disappointment. 他脸上忧郁的表情显示出他的失望。

3. The funeral was a doleful occasion for the entire family. 葬礼是整个家庭一个悲伤的场合。

4. He delivered the news with a doleful voice. 他用忧郁的声音传达了这个消息。

5. The doleful howl of the wind echoed through the empty streets. 风的哀怨嚎叫在空荡荡的街道上回响。

6. Their doleful cries filled the air as they mourned their losses. 他们悲伤的哭声充斥空气,哀悼他们的损失。

7. She gazed out of the window with a doleful expression. 她以忧郁的表情凝视着窗外。

8. The doleful melody of the violin touched everyone's hearts. 小提琴忧郁的旋律触动了每个人的心。

9. He gave a doleful sigh and turned away. 他发出一声忧郁的叹息,然后转身离开。

10. The doleful news spread quickly through the small town. 这个令人忧郁的消息很快传遍了小镇。

11. Despite her doleful circumstances, she remained optimistic. 尽管处境令人悲伤,她仍然保持乐观。

12. The old man's doleful eyes reflected a lifetime of hardship. 老人忧郁的眼神映射出一生的艰辛。

13. The doleful sound of the church bells signaled a somber occasion. 教堂钟声悲伤地响起,预示着一个严肃的场合。

14. She spoke in a doleful tone, recounting her misfortunes. 她用忧郁的语调讲述她的不幸遭遇。

15. The painting depicted a doleful scene of war-torn ruins. 这幅画描绘了一幕悲惨的战争遗址。

希望这些例句能帮助你更好地理解 "doleful" 这个词的用法和含义。

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