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时间: 2024-10-06 16:46:25


1. I need a dozen eggs to make this recipe. (我需要一打鸡蛋来做这个食谱。)

2. She bought a dozen roses for her mother's birthday. (她为母亲的生日买了一打玫瑰。)

3. The bakery sells a dozen donuts for a discounted price. (面包店以折扣价出售一打甜甜圈。)

4. He drank a dozen beers at the party. (他在派对上喝了一打啤酒。)

5. The farmer harvested a dozen pumpkins from his field. (农民从他的田地里收获了一打南瓜。)

6. We need a dozen chairs for the meeting room. (我们需要为会议室准备一打椅子。)

7. She has a dozen different outfits for the trip. (她为旅行准备了一打不同的服装。)

8. The restaurant ordered a dozen bottles of wine for the event. (餐厅为活动订购了一打瓶装酒。)

9. The bakery sold out of a dozen baguettes in just an hour. (面包店在一小时内售罄了一打法棍。)

10. He caught a dozen fish while fishing at the lake. (他在湖边钓鱼时捉到了一打鱼。)

11. The store is offering a discount on a dozen pairs of socks. (商店在一打袜子上提供折扣。)

12. She baked a dozen cookies for the school bake sale. (她为学校的义卖活动烤了一打饼干。)

13. They planted a dozen different types of flowers in their garden. (他们在花园里种植了一打种类不同的花。)

14. The construction company ordered a dozen new shovels for the workers. (建筑公司为工人订购了一打新铁锹。)

15. The teacher handed out a dozen pencils to the students. (老师给学生们发了一打铅笔。)

16. She received a dozen invitations to different events this weekend. (她收到了本周末不同活动的一打邀请函。)

17. The company needs to order a dozen new computers for the office. (公司需要为办公室订购一打新电脑。)

18. The chef used a dozen different spices in the dish. (厨师在这道菜里使用了一打不同的香料。)

19. They picked a dozen apples from the orchard. (他们从果园里采摘了一打苹果。)

20. The store is offering a special deal on a dozen bottles of olive oil. (商店在一打橄榄油上提供特别优惠。)

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