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时间: 2024-09-20 10:13:19


Certainly! 这里有关于“dystrophy” 的例句以及它们的中文解释:

1. Muscular dystrophy is a genetic disorder characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of the muscles.

- 肌肉萎缩症是一种遗传性疾病,其特征是肌肉逐渐衰弱和退化。

2. Ocular dystrophy affects the eyes, causing vision impairment over time.

- 眼部萎缩症影响眼睛,随着时间推移导致视力受损。

3. Dystrophy of the skin can lead to thinning and increased susceptibility to injury.

- 皮肤萎缩症可以导致皮肤变薄,并增加受伤的易感性。

4. The farm suffered from soil dystrophy due to years of improper agricultural practices.

- 由于多年来不当的农业实践,这片农场遭受了土壤的萎缩。

5. Dystrophy of the brain tissue was evident in the MRI scan.

- 在磁共振扫描中可以看出大脑组织的萎缩。

6. Nutritional dystrophy in children can result from severe malnutrition.

- 儿童营养性萎缩症可以由严重的营养不良引起。

7. The scientist studied the cellular mechanisms underlying muscle dystrophy.

- 科学家研究了肌肉萎缩症的细胞机制。

8. The lake ecosystem showed signs of dystrophy due to pollution and algae blooms.

- 由于污染和藻类大量繁殖,这个湖泊生态系统表现出了萎缩的迹象。

9. Retinal dystrophy affects the retina and can cause vision loss.

- 视网膜萎缩症影响视网膜,可能导致视力丧失。

10. Environmental factors contributed to the coral reef's dystrophy.

- 环境因素导致了珊瑚礁的萎缩。

11. The doctor explained that the patient's symptoms were consistent with nerve dystrophy.

- 医生解释说,患者的症状符合神经萎缩症。

12. Periodontal dystrophy can lead to gum recession and tooth loss.

- 牙周萎缩症可能导致牙龈萎缩和牙齿丧失。

13. Genetic screening helps identify individuals at risk for dystrophy disorders.

- 遗传筛查有助于识别患有萎缩性疾病风险的个体。

14. The team researched potential treatments for bone dystrophy.

- 团队研究了骨萎缩症的潜在治疗方法。

15. Dystrophy of the heart muscle can lead to cardiac dysfunction.

- 心肌萎缩症可能导致心脏功能障碍。


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