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时间: 2024-10-05 20:44:28


Certainly! "Edacity" refers to excessive or insatiable hunger, especially in a metaphorical sense. Here are 15 sentences with their Chinese explanations:

1. Her edacity for knowledge led her to read every book in the library. (她对知识的渴求驱使她阅读了图书馆里的每一本书。)

2. The politician's edacity for power knew no bounds. (这位政治家对权力的贪求毫无止境。)

3. His edacity for success drove him to work day and night. (他对成功的渴望驱使他日以继夜地工作。)

4. The company's edacity for profit led to unethical business practices. (公司对利润的贪欲导致了不道德的商业行为。)

5. The artist had an edacity for perfection, constantly refining his work. (这位艺术家追求完美,不断地完善自己的作品。)

6. The explorer's edacity for adventure took him to the far corners of the world. (探险家对冒险的渴望带他走遍了世界的各个角落。)

7. Her edacity for justice made her a fearless advocate for human rights. (她对正义的渴求使她成为了无畏的人权倡导者。)

8. The scientist's edacity for discovery led to groundbreaking research. (科学家对发现的渴望导致了开创性的研究。)

9. The athlete's edacity for victory made him train harder than anyone else. (这位运动员对胜利的渴求使他训练比其他人更加努力。)

10. Their edacity for innovation drove the team to develop revolutionary technology. (他们对创新的渴望推动团队开发了革命性的技术。)

11. The student's edacity for learning led her to pursue multiple degrees simultaneously. (这位学生对学习的渴望使她同时攻读多个学位。)

12. The entrepreneur's edacity for growth expanded his small startup into a multinational corporation. (企业家对增长的渴望将他的小型初创公司扩展成了跨国公司。)

13. His edacity for adventure drove him to climb the highest mountains. (他对冒险的渴望驱使他攀登最高的山峰。)

14. The author's edacity for storytelling captivated readers worldwide. (作家对讲故事的渴望吸引了全球读者。)

15. The philanthropist's edacity for helping others transformed communities. (慈善家对帮助他人的渴望改变了社区。)


上一个 【英语】edacious的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】egoism的例句



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