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时间: 2024-09-28 20:45:12


Certainly! "Effluvium" refers to an unpleasant or harmful odor, secretion, or discharge. Here are 15 example sentences along with their Chinese translations:

1. The stagnant water emitted a foul effluvium that filled the air.

- 那些停滞的水释放出一种难闻的恶臭。

2. The factory's effluvium polluted the nearby river.

- 工厂的废水污染了附近的河流。

3. The room was filled with the effluvium of rotting food.

- 房间里弥漫着腐烂食物的恶臭。

4. The effluvium from the chemical spill caused health concerns in the community.

- 化学泄漏造成的废气引起了社区的健康问题。

5. She wrinkled her nose at the effluvium coming from the garbage bins.

- 她因垃圾桶散发出的废气皱起了鼻子。

6. The effluvium of cigarette smoke clung to his clothes.

- 烟草烟雾的废气附着在他的衣服上。

7. The effluvium of decay filled the abandoned house.

- 腐朽的恶臭弥漫在这座废弃的房屋里。

8. The effluvium from the sewer overwhelmed the senses.

- 污水的恶臭使人难以忍受。

9. The autopsy room was filled with the effluvium of formaldehyde.

- 尸体解剖室里弥漫着甲醛的恶臭。

10. They wore masks to protect themselves from the effluvium of toxic gases.

- 他们戴着口罩以保护自己免受有毒气体的污染。

11. The effluvium of burning rubber hung in the air after the accident.

- 意外事故后,燃烧橡胶的臭气弥漫在空气中。

12. The effluvium of the landfill stretched for miles.

- 垃圾填埋场的臭气绵延数英里。

13. She opened the window to dispel the effluvium of paint fumes.

- 她打开窗户散去油漆气味的恶臭。

14. The effluvium of decay was a reminder of the passage of time.

- 腐朽的恶臭提醒了时间的流逝。

15. The effluvium from the sewer system required immediate attention.

- 污水系统散发的废气需要立即处理。


上一个 【英语】effluvial的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】influenza的例句



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